> Is 130 decibels dangerous?

Is 130 decibels dangerous?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
You WILL permanently damage your friend's hearing.

140 dB is the loudest recommended exposure with hearing protection. Even short term exposure will cause permanent damage. This is the same level as a fully powered jet engine at 100 feet.

It's important to remember that the decibel system increases exponentially. A 10 dB increase means the sound is twice as loud. A 20 dB increase means the sound is 4 times as loud.

They are dangerous enough in the open air. They were 10 times worse inside a room. Don't do it - you will damage his hearing (and yours if you are in the room).

Extremely bad.

In a closed room that's going to be permanent hearing damage - at least.

Don't be stupid.

I was thinking about buying an airsoft sound grenade to throw into a room that my friend is in, because we mess around with each other like this a lot, but I don't know if it would be safe because they go of at 130 decibels so if anyone knows a lot about the effects of sounds on humans it would be great to know if this is safe.