> How to know if I just got shocked?

How to know if I just got shocked?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Almost certainly you did not get shocked but reacted to being poked by the sharp end of the wire hitting a nerve. It is certainly possible to receive only a slight shock from a 400+ volt line if you have rubber soled shoes, are very dry and are not touching anything grounded, but the physical poke is much more likely.

You didn't give it a path to ground. If you die tomorrow, let us know. You got shocked in that case. If you don't probably ok.

Did it hurt? If it hurt, then you got shocked. Did you smell burning? If you did then you got shocked. Did you feel a pulsating tingling sensation in your body? If you did then you got shocked. If you didn't, then you did not get shocked.

You will be dead if you touch the 415V.

If that wire was not dead, then you would have been dead.

I was in a old car factory gm motors adelaide now used as an industrial estate and I touched and 415 volt wire that was poking out of the wall thinking is was not like and I'm not sure if I got shocked did I and how did I survive such a high voltage?