You are giving the car credit for the intelligence you lack. Put it in D for daytime. The car doesn't know the difference.
I can tell this is a hoax, because guys that drive Civic's never race.
Holy cow! P- Parking (parking brake engaged), N - Neutral, D - Drive, R - Reverse, 3 - Up to 3rd gear, 2 - Up to 2nd gear, L - Low (1st Gear).
Forget N , forget R, just put it in D for dimwit.
I bought a car it's an automatic, it drives in the day but at night it doesn't run, I put it on N for night mode but it doesn't move, earlier today i was at a stop light and this guy in a civic si wanted to race me, so I put it in R for race mode and the damn thing went backwards, so I think I need a new gear box, how much would obd cost?