> How far can you drive on a flat tire.?

How far can you drive on a flat tire.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If the tire popped it's junk and most likely not repairable. Drive it slowly as necessary to not hurt the rim. In 20 feet there's not much chance of that. Did you wait all this time for an answer before taking action? I hope not.

Completely flat?

If the tire can be repaired, driving on it while flat is a very quick way of ruining it. The sidewalls will be chewed up in no time. You would also run the risk of damaging the rim.

You're much better off to use your spare tire as soon as you discover that you have a flat as opposed to trying to drive on it. The only time I would suggest driving on a flat tire is when your safety is concerned. If you're in a live lane for example, get yourself off the road before getting out of the vehicle to change the tire.

How far without damaging the wheel itself? As far as physically damaging the wheel you could have driven quite a while. As long as you don't hit something sharp in the road (frost heave, major pothole, etc) the wheel would have been fine. Obviously at that speed and for that distance you will probably find that the tire itself has at least shredded the sidewall on the inside into a fine, powdery rubber dust that will indicate that the tire is structurally toast.

If that's what it takes to bring yourself and the car into a safe position, do it as slowly as possible. Saving a tire and getting hit by an 18-wheeler is not a good idea.

In all similar situations, it's better to avoid any movement, turn on flashers, wear the high-vis vest and replace the wheel, but remember: SAFETY FIRST!

If it popped like you say, it doesn't matter how much you drive on it because it is toast anyway. You can only fix small punctures in the flat tread area. Believe me they will drive it into the bay wherever it is going. These answers are mostly correct but in your case get out the checkbook for a new tire.

If the tire is completely flat wheel damage can be caused if you drive for any distance, even a few feet.

Only as far as you have to to be safe. Otherwise you'll ruin the rim (like my daughter did 2 weeks ago). Then, you'll have to spring for a rim (like I need to do but have not yet).

I would run the spare and drive to a tire store.

you could possibly save it.

20 feet wont destroy the wheel but could destroy the tire.

provided there are no extenuating circumstances like a loaded vehicle or unsafe area to change a tire.

you dont say what it is, so Thats going to get you generic answers.

20 feet driven slowly and carefully and avoiding any bumps is unlikely to cause any additional damage. Driving any distance is not a good idea.

Hi it is not a good idea at all as damage can be done to so many other parts of the car besides the wheel rims. suspension can be wrecked.

Basically it was running low...went to a gas station...inflated it...went to another tire it popped.

I can i back it up 20 feet so I'm out of the way while I wait for a tow truck....pretty sure the truck will be here before I get a reply, but for future reference.

Drive any father than you have to. Are you going to have to get a tire and anew rim.

It'll get you all the way to the scene of the crash.