Hi you take it to a subaru agent /dealer for some diagnostic checks so what is ever wrong with it can be found. the modern car is 50 % electronic these days has been since 1985 when most car manufacturers started to fit a computer to help the engine.
#1. Change the fuel filter first.
#2. Take the car to the *dealer and ask them to test the fuel pressure on the fuel rail pressure fitting. This is a very inexpensive test BUT the fuel filter must be clean to get an accurate fuel pressure reading. The dealer of the car will know exactly what the fuel pressure should be.
A mechanic shall be more than happy to tell you. How come you did not think of that and instead decided to text this message here? This is not going to help. I bet you have never read the car manual and know even less about cars in general. Agreed?
See about your battery and its connections first, repeat attempts to start will drain it. Corroded connections will not provide the computer with its basic need for 12 volts and a ground.
At the times it did start, did the ck eng light come on and then stay on?
Code check can be performed, you can get the tester and return it after.
is the engine oil ok, like looks like new oil and no discoloration?
Did the coolant level get affected?
was the timing marks correct on the cams and crank?
tensioner or idler were not affected?
Please update and say what else, or you may have to see your mech. To check your belt, you would have had to remove the accessory belts and front pulley/ vibration damper for access to completely inspect the components in play, correct?
SO, YOU TORE IT down? or not?
sometimes a waterpump can get loose and affect the belt. this would show up at the cam on at least one side. at tdc
what's this sound it's making in regular sequence?
is that after it dies? like, an electric sound? Or is this a metallic sound? or squeak or what?
and what year and engine size does it have?
The noises you describe are indications of something broken, worn or damaged.
If it is within the timing components you actually have to tear it apart a ways to see the cause.
It might be bad or low quality gas
Or check fuel injectors
semi-skimmed cows
It will turn over barely almost starts usually, makes a funny sound if it does start it dies usually right after it starts buthave to put the pedal on it its making a sound in regular sequence it starts a little better if i wait... I was told not to start it anymore... I checked the timing belt it looks fine... It all started when i came home from work on the freeway it happend when i gunned to pass a car it started to make funny noise it lost power the more i went and so on.... Wgat should i do???