> How do I drift with a normal car?

How do I drift with a normal car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Depends on what you mean by normal car. Is it front wheel drive, or rear? If it is front wheel, you can use the hand break while turning one way, then when you have the momentum of the car going one way, turn the opposite way to drift. Make sure to do this in a safe place, and it is a lot easier with loose gravel if you live by dirt roads.

first you need a rear wheel drive car or if you try real hard driving in reverse in a front wheel drive car.. find a open space I mean OPEN no cars, bumps, lamp posts nothing.. get the car up fast enough and crank the wheel. now by doing this you risk doing MAJOR damage to all sorts of parts on the car at best you mess up a set of tires but you can knock the tires off the rim.. hit a small bump and trash your steering system and possible to roll the car..

Sounds like you shouldn't be drifting at all:-/

With lots of spare money in your wallet to replace all the broken body panels and roasted tires.