> How did they get this answer? (resistance)?

How did they get this answer? (resistance)?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The formula is 1/R = 1/260 + 1/260 + 1/260 + 1/260.

So I get 1/R = 0.01538...

R = 65

1/R = 1/260 +1/260 + 1/260 + 1/260

1/R = 4/260

R = 260/4 = 65 Ohms.

Think again.

R_total in parallel= (1/260)+(1/260)+(1/260)+(1/260) or so I thought? This is the conductance of the four resistors in parallel. Its unit is mho.You have to inverse it again to get ohms which is 1/0.01538 = 65 ohms

The formula for R_Total in parallel is, 1 / ( (1/R1) + (1/R2) + (1/R3) + ... ) and so on.

So, the Equation would be, 1 / ( (1/260) + (1/260) + (1/260) + (1/260) ) which does equal 65 ohms.

When parallel resistors have the same value it is even simpler than going down the reciprocal route.

It is simply the value of one of them divided by their number. In the case above that's 260 divided by 4.

Than you getta flip that (1/R)^-1 is the formula.

(1/.01538)= 65, nothing that complicated to it.

if resistance is 65 ohms so conductance will be ...1 / 65 = .015 s (siemens) not in ohm ....

This is blowing my mind at the moment.

Four 260?Ω lightbulbs are connected in series.

What is the resistance in series? 1040Ω Got it.

What is the resistance in parallel?

65Ω was the answer for this one but shouldn't it be .015Ω?

R_total in parallel= (1/260)+(1/260)+(1/260)+(1/260) or so I thought?