> How did Wardenclyffe Tower work?

How did Wardenclyffe Tower work?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The Wardenclyffe Tower was, first, a wireless transmitter. See, Tesla came up with his own theories before anyone knew radio would work. Tesla, and many physicist of the time, thought radio waves would be useless for long range transmission (they thought the waves would travel in straight lines meaning they would shoot to the horizon and then beam uselessly into space in a straight line --- they did not know there was an ionosphere that would bounce radio around the world,)

So Tesla's did not set out to build a "radio" transmitter - he built a "wire-less" transmitter, i.e. a telegraph/telephone that used the ground instead of wires. His idea (Wardenclyffe) was to inject huge amounts electricity into the ground that he thought would travel through the Earth in some kind of resonate pattern carrying messages to similar receivers around the world. He also seemed to think it could transmit electric power through the ground. Wardenclyffe had a huge grounding pit, that is what transmitted power (through the ground). The antenna is the wrong shape for radio, it was supposed to be a return path for what Tesla called "electro-static thrust". As you can see Teslas idea's were kinda bunk, injecting electricity into the ground may have worked short distances (wear your rubber shoes!!!) but Tesla didn't believe in the inverse square law so he would have been in for a rude awakening if he ever got the thing running.

See http://earlyradiohistory.us/tesla.htm for info on how it was supposed to work.

Apparently Wardencyiffe tower didn't do much as Nikola Tesla wanted to build bigger, but could not get funding. Possibly lots bigger would have done what Tesla claimed, but mainstream opinion seems to be it would be dangerous to life up to a mile or more in all directions, at terawatt levels. Apparently Tesla was secretive, as we don't know the power level nor the frequency, but it appears it was a radio transmitter with an unusual antenna design.

Samuel F.B Morus had built and operated a 75 kilowatt transmitter on very low frequency at least ten years earlier, and the signal was detectable across the Atlantic ocean, with a crystal set. Rotary Spark gap transmitters were installed in the Titanic and some other ships of that period.

Stratoframe is mumbling nonsense and the direct answer to your question is that we don't know - but those people who claim it is a suppressed invention are ignoring the rather common sense idea that if being close to microwave transmissions is dangerous and people are upset because they believe that living near ordinary high voltage lines is dangerous, what do you think the chances of this tower putting out kilo- or mega- watts of power actually be acceptable?

Cornel Bearden also skirts this in his writings.You must understand phase conjugation.Sound cancelation and non locality are hand in hand understandings.Remember,where time is removed,time will accumulate.My first input was deleted by yahoo.Phase Conjugation is the secret.Sound cancelation is the best example I can get you.From there you will fall into non locality,once you get there,by manipulating the environment of time elements preferred will appear.Screw the spell checker

I'm doing a 6-8 page research paper (need 2 more pages)on conspiracy theories(Nikola Tesla energy suppression) I'm looking for an explanation of how this tower was suppose to work whether or not it works I just need to know how. Any links that may be useful would be greatly appreciated.Also any info on this subject or personal opinions(with substance) is welcomed.