> How can meat be converted to electricity?

How can meat be converted to electricity?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
meat change in electricity

This is easy. The hard part is to convert electricity to meat. :)


Here you are:

Excerpt taken from:


Electron-Positron annihilation

This matter-energy conversion frequently takes the form of electron-positron annihilation. Basically an electron and a positron (an anti-electron) are drawn together due to their opposite charges. When they inevitably collide their material existence comes to an end and they are turned into gamma ray photons.

In an opposite process, two gamma ray photons can be converted into an electron-positron pair, bringing forth matter from whence none existed. Evidence for these interactions is visible in bubble chamber experiments, such as shown below.


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Very simple really. First we need to a little bit of alchemy and break down the meat into compounds. The breaking down of the compounds produces energy in the form of heat. We can use that heat and convert it with alchemy into electricity directly or go the more powerful way and instead of playing with chemical reactions we go the next step which is nuclear reactions. We can break some of the at the atomic level and convert electricity in this manner. Below is an interesting link to learn more!

Meat is consumed by human ----> human power to pedal a small generator ----> electricity

i doubt about its economic mattr and efficiency..

meat change in electricity