> How can I safely use my laser pointer?

How can I safely use my laser pointer?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
At 80 mW this laser has no 'domestic' uses and unless you have some good reason you should not use it. If it can damage people one day it probably will, and you need to think in advance how you would react to that. Far better to consider the consequences now, rather than after the damage is done.

What do you mean 'locating people'? You shine it towards someone deliberately?

Laser pointers are for pinpointing items on a presentation when you are giving a lecture. If that's not something you do, get rid of it. They are not toys and can be dangerous if abused.

Only use it for what it is meant for, pointing out things on a board in a classroom, or similar. They are not toys.

Destroy it. It is obviously of no use to you and can only be a danger to you and others.

It is probably also illegal being at that strength.

I have an eBay laser pointer which was rated 5mW but it's more like 80mW. I had an accident where I lent it to a friend stupidly and it reflected of some tin foil and hit me in the eye. I was **** scared for about 2 weeks there was damage. Luckily there's nothing wrong any more.

Haven't used it now for ages because of that. What filters could I buy to eliminate IR and also an ND filter to get it down to an eye safe level like 10mW? I know you'll suggest goggles but then it only protects the one with goggles on, not other people who are nearby or in cars etc...
