> Has a woman ever built a robot?

Has a woman ever built a robot?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Mary Shelley created frankenstein, while technically not a robot, it is considered a classic science fiction novel.

The first link shows a history of women in engineering - robotics is a fairly new branch of engineering

so you should perhaps ask yourself what you mean by "robot" especially since it usually requires a team of people to create a robot.

Have fun reading if your interested I would reccomend the jpl and nasa, as that's where the most cutting edge robotics is occuring (at least in the US)

Yes, women have built robots. Georgette Grimaldi built a robot when she was getting her masters degree at MIT and it worked pretty good too. It didn't do what was expected by most of the people but she was weird and everything it did she claimed was designed in as a feature so it was totally successful as a degree getting device which is what it was designed for.

That is the long story.

The short story is;YUP!

I've built a robot and I am female.

Just look up female engineers, -_- people who design robots are typically called engineers.

Women have made there husbands into robots

just look at your engineering classes, there is either one woman or no woman at all in those classes.

its natural. men are predispose to this things.

Every time I Google "woman builds robot", I get instead "man builds robot woman". Although women make up (probably over half) of the human population, they're still outnumbered by men in science. So any notable women who have created a robot?