my car is loosing coolant but no visible leaks and it is NOT OVERHEATING, so its probably not the gasket right ???
Disappearing coolant is the #1 indication of a bad head gasket - I have never seen a head gasket failure that did not show up first as coolant loss - but there are also a lot of other causes of coolant loss. If you are losing a lot of coolant (it is low every day) but not overheating a bad head gasket is unlikely.
From there, make, model, and year mean a lot. In particular, if you have a GM vehicle with a V6 or V8 engine from 1996 to 2004, intake manifold gasket failure is the top suspect. The Dexcool antifreeze GM specifies is incompatible with the gaskets GM used and dissolves them, causing significant coolant loss. The 4 cylinder engines and models since late 2005 are not affected; right now the most common failures are in 1999-2001 GM vehicles. Replacement gaskets are all Dexcool compatible. See the source. There was a settlement in a class action suit but the window for claims has closed.
EDIT - ahh... this must be the 1991 Galant you mentioned in a recent question. The water pump is a good place to start looking, although it would probably leave tell-tale puddles. Also check the condition of the hoses. I put a clean paper towel in my hand and (with the engine cool enough that I don't get burned) squeeze the ends of each hose. If any feel soft or are bulged it is time to get them all replaced... 23 years is a good run for rubber hoses anyway. Check the paper towel for wetness after each squeeze. If it comes out wet, there you are. Leaking hoses also have to be replaced (again, a good idea to replace them all as a set because the others are not in much better shape). They are bad and tightening them does not help.
If you don't find the answer soon you need to take it to a professional. Loss of coolant is likely to lead to overheating at some point and then there will be trouble. Also get proper 50/50 antifreeze in there to protect the cooling system. I'm pretty sure your 1991 uses conventional green, which requires change every two years and has to be flushed each time. But you will have a much more reliable car.
The dealer of your car or a good trusted private mechanic can do an inexpensive *cooling system pressure test which will find any external or internal cooling system leaks. If an internal leak is found, a cylinder leak-down test will show exactly where the leak is.
The number one signs of a warped cylinder head, leaking head, gasket or cracked cylinder head is if the engine has ever been driven with low or no coolant and the engine got hot.
Main signs of headgasket are:
Coolant loss
Oil and Water mixing/mixed
As you have no visible leaks, the water may be going into your oil! Make sure you check your oil or take it to a garage.
take your car to a mechanic and get a pressure test done to see if there is any leaks in your coolant system. if test is good then try changing the 90/10 mixture you got in the system to a 50/50. there is a reason why people are told to put a 50/50 mix in the coolant system. there are additives in the antifreeze that helps the engine such as cools better and prevents rust and corrosion. go and get that done and stop asking the same dam question over and over like your going to get some magical answer to your problem.
white smoke out the tail pipe or water leaking out the tail pipe and also smoke
Might be. Get a combustion gas in the coolant test done by a garage.
hi. what is the number one main sign of a bad head gasket ?
my car is loosing coolant but no visible leaks and it is NOT OVERHEATING, so its probably not the gasket right ???