> Fuse at the beginning of the circuit?

Fuse at the beginning of the circuit?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
why fuse should be connected at the beginning of the circuit,and why not near the components

It is placed at the beginning of the circuit so that in case there is a passage of high current, due the low melting point of fuse, it will melt and the connection between battery and component will break and the current reach them thus protecting them from damage.

You can place it anywhere as long as it is before the first component of the circuit and thus it is said to be placed at the beginning of the circuit.

Hope it helped:):):)

Generally the fuse or other overcurrent protective device is placed at the origin of the circuit, ie in the DB (distribution board) (fusebox) or at any point in the circuit where the coductor size is reduced and will no longer be protected by the fuse in the DB, this could be in a 13A plug or fused connection unit (spur).

The purpose of the fuse etc is to protect the smallest conductor in that part of the circuit, to achieve this the fuse is rated at or below the current rating of the downstream cable or flex.

The excepton to this rule occurrs when the fixed (hard wired) connected load contains overcurrent protection, such as a motor starter or the load and that protection is set at or below the current rating of the supply cables or if the hard wired load is incapable of causing overload, an electric shower is an example of this type of load. HOWEVER, in both of these examples it must be proven by calculation, that the conductors will not be damaged by short circuit or earth fault currents during the time that a fault occurrs and the fuse or CB operates and disconnects the supply. These are the teachings of BS 7671.

Hai mistry

Most of the people Fuse are used in circuit why because whenever cirucuit breaker occurs fuse will automatically burn.fuses used in series to break the circuit in overcurrent situation to block current to flow through circuit Series. You want all the current from the source to go through it.

Fuses generally protect the wiring and not the components,

and should be placed to protect as much of the wiring as possible

(they are now often placed in plugs).

Individual components are also sometimes fused for their individual

requirements which should always be substantially less than

the wiring.

It is because when supply Voltage is larger than required voltage ur appliances may get destroyed so if there is high voltage fuse gets burnt and circuit is isolated from source

why fuse should be connected at the beginning of the circuit,and why not near the components