> Finding the impedance of a circuit. Stuck on last part?

Finding the impedance of a circuit. Stuck on last part?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
tan^-1(1/2.36) = 0.40079344857523477832797989493167 (radians)

300/sqrt(1+2.36*2.36) = 117.04471025524203775554239866811

Place (1+j2.36) in polar form

√ 12 + 2.362) = 2.563 at artcan (2.36/1) = 67.0°

300<0°/2.563<67° = 117<-67°

Can't figure how -0.4 fits.

Is the 300 at 0° or not?

Suppose -0.4 is radians

-0.4 radians = -22.92°

If the 300 were at angle of 44.1° they you would have -0.4 radians as an angle or if that is -0.4° then 300 would have been at angle of 66.6°

Something is missing.

300 [ 1 - j 2.36 ]


1^2 + 2.36^2

300 [ 1 - j 2.36 ]



45 [ 2.6 ] / _293?

117 /_ 293?

Where is the problem?

So there is an example problem that I'm trying to figure out. I don't know how to get from



117.2<-.4 The "<" is "angle" not "less than"