Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Let's see now, powering what is probably at least a 15 Watt lamp with a piezoelectric element that would have to maybe produce 0.6 V DC at a couple of nano Amps. That's lets see here, carry the 2, yeah at least click the element at a rate of 3 Giga Hertz. Man, he moves his hand so fast you can't even see it!

Okay, in all reality, this is a joke, a satire, a lie for artistic reasons. No way can this work in the world ever without changing a lot of laws of physics as we know them. And never mind that, don't you think that if this actually could work there would be a shortage of piezoelectric lighter elements and power bars by now? Grin and share it, you're not alone, but this is a HOAX. Sorry, but nature doesn't give free lunches ever.

I'm not sure about the wire configuration, but that's not exactly 'free electricity'. Beyond the price of the lighter, and the limited service life of the lighter's peizo-electric element, the cost of the electricity is the energy you put into flicking the igniter.

Electricity comes from somewhere. Sometimes it is the potential energy converted to kinetic energy in a hydro-electric plant, sometimes the combustion energy being released from burning fuel, and sometimes it is the physical kinetic input of a person exerting force on an object.

If you scale up your lighter concept, you could put an electric generator on an exercise bike and get "free electricity" by pedaling a lot. Yes, it's technically cost free, but there is physical energy spent in return for electrical energy.

Obviously a trick. Other ads tell how to install inductances in your wiring to fool your meter. New meters are much better. Some will tell you how to mess the meter up with a large magnet. Power company people will follow up low billings with inspections. One old time solution was to put a induction/repulsion motor in the line and that will kick back out of phase voltages and make the meter run backwards. Again, the newer meters are mech better at reading real usage.

You should've attached the link of the video so we can give you a better answer .. Repost the question with the link to the video .. otherwise the answers will be the same !!



Lighter sparking has no effect to activate on any electricity connection.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Dang, I wish I would have thought of that one first.

not sure .. i do know that they most likely have 'free energy' sources they keep repressed using some of Teslas ideas ... no, Edison and others packaged it in a form they could hold a monopoly on and charge you money for ...

There is no such thing as free electricity.

It's a total fake or hoax.

It is all but surely a scam.

i saw some videos on

youtube in which a guy

used a wire extension box

and connected the plug to

its own socket. after that

he used a piezo electric

lighter (used in cigrette

lighters) and sparked it to

another socket of the wire

box ..then he conected a

bulb in the socket and it

glows continuously .....

any one knows about

it? ????

does it works ????