> Engneering electronics help?

Engneering electronics help?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Assuming that the product did work properly prior to it's failure and that it does presently have all the correct inputs required for proper operation..

There are only a few possibilities that can keep the product from working properly.

1. defective component

2.mechanical parts or electrical circuit components assembled wrong

3. mechanical or electrical adjustments done out of sequence or incorrectly

It is possible and likely that the technician took an educated guess at what components failed and just guessed wrong. Normally there are test points given in the product tech manual and possible component failures listed if a test point has an incorrect output. I would recommend calling a tech representative of the company that made the product and get their advice on repairing the product.

The technician could check individual components against the spec in the component data sheets, to check if the faulty circuit exceeds the permitted values. Many circuits are combinations of well known circuits, the test procedure for these individual parts will be known to a properly educated tester, not a 'monkey see, monkey do' follower of manuals and manufacturers test procedures. An engineer worth his or her salt will be able to recognise circuits and their probable faults and to be able to test to prove the suspected fault. It is a poorly trained engineer who states " I can't do this, I have never worked on this model before". I say to this engineer, now is the time to start learning about the real world.

if you mean getting the pin out of transistors and IC's , for sure the best source is net.

but if you mean the total procedure,

1. if first step the technician should be sure of the fault , sometimes people make mistakes in turning on or using a product and then claim that it is not working properly

2. nowadays the schematics of the most products is available on net and forums and even if it is not available probably u r not the first person who face such as error and at least one of the previous people write sth about that in net

If the technician doesn't have a detailed schematic and users manual, he's out of luck.

A qualified person or technician working in your organisation replaces all the faulty components.When this person tests the product, it still does not seem to be working properly. The technician decides to do a full test against specification, but does not have all the information required, for example transistor collector current information or IC's pin out information.....etc. How will the technician identify gaps overcome the deficiencies and justify the valid solution to an industrial standards or procedures. Note: Your assessment needs to be presented in the form of a report.

please give me a proper answear