> Dropped a dime in my gas tank?

Dropped a dime in my gas tank?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I dropped a dime in my suzuki forenza 2006 gas tank. Is this ok? I have driven it 25 miles orso with it in there...

No harm. There is a wire mesh filter on the inlet of the fuel pump just for stuff like that.

No problem at all. It may rattle if the fuel gets low, but that could be a good thing.

Ask for change. You will be arrested for de-faulting American currency. You may serve 2-5 yrs.

Or do nothing.

Don't worry about it, it won't cause any harm.

Tell us if you see any issues...

A dime? I drop a fifty dollar bill in there every fill up.

I dropped a dime in my suzuki forenza 2006 gas tank. Is this ok? I have driven it 25 miles orso with it in there...