> Do you think my car is gonna be totaled?

Do you think my car is gonna be totaled?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Economically speaking, it's most likely totalled. But probably a reasonably easy DIY fix.

TOTALED NO QUESTION. Did you get hurt? They may take the 88 year olds license.

Definitely totaled. The visible damage is probably over $2,000, plus possible frame damage, alignment, etc. Older cars and cars worth less than $2,000 are typically totaled unless the damage is cosmetic.

Looks totaled to me. Hood, quarter panel, inner fender, bumper, headlight... Plus straightening subframe, alignment, labor and paint... Couple grand at a shop.

Unfortunately, insurance companies are very quick to total cars that are more than 15 years old. More than likely the front sub frame is bent. It will cost more to repair the car than it's worth

You should demand a rental car and also any lost wages .

If they argue about it , tell them your neck is starting to hurt .

If you want to keep your car and they try to declare it totaled ,,,,,, tell them that makes your neck hurt too .

Be sure to mention the word " Lawyer " a couple of times as well .

Point being is ,,,, If all you want is your car fixed they are getting off easy , they could have 10s of thousands of dollars in medical bills .

hard to tell from this shot. so far all we know is that it needs a new front quarter panel head light assembly and bumper. just that will put you close if not over the 2000 the car is worth. Besides the countless of other damaged parts. be prepared to get a new car.. not positive

Depends on how much damage she did that you can't see. What did she knock out of alignment or ruin internally? Also if you don't like what GEICO tells you, you are probably entitled to get another quote from another body shop. Also, make sure that if your car is fixed that they use OEM parts, not aftermarket parts which are cheaper but also not as good quality. An example of this is bumpers. Some aftermarket bumpers are terrible and no where near as good as the original part. So beware of what they replace things with. Does her or your insurance company pay for a rental car? Don't jump into getting another car in a hurry until you know what is going to happen with yours.

they will pay you book value.

and you need to report it to your insurance company so they can help you.


SO. I was happily driving along when out of no where this car trying to turn left came out in front of me. As a result we crashed. It turned out to be an 88 year old lady who was super confused. We called the police and they gave her a ticket for failure to yield left turn and it is being assessed if she should still be allowed to have a license. My car had to be towed and is now sitting in my grandmas drive way, undrivable. I have been without a car now for a week which is a huge inconivance. Anyway today GEICO (her insurance) finally took liability for the accident so they will be paying for my damages. The question now is will my car be totaled, and knowing them its probably gonna be another week before i find out. So was just wondering what to do you think? Also how much do you think they will have to pay? I need an idea because I may need to go car shopping asap ugh. Also you cant tell in picture but the front bumper is coming off and is pretty damaged.

My car was in "good condition"

It has 160,000 miles

Kelly blue book value is 2,088 dollars

Refer to the picture for damage