> Civil or mechanical engineering?

Civil or mechanical engineering?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I think civil is easier but mechanical seems a lot more fun. Can someone that knows tell me if I'm right or wrong? Thanks!

Before you decide let me tell me what civil and mechanical engineers do. A civil engineer may design a airport, a skyscrapper or plan entire city's drainage system. They not only design buildings (which generally people think) but also involved in highway designing, bridge designing, port designing etc. With new opportunities knocking every day a civil engineers job is bound to be get tougher by day (think of man made islands in Dubai or new suspension bridges they are building ). So if you want to design any of the above stuff civil engineering is for you.

Mechanical engineers design machines from a can opener to large airplanes. They literally design every machine around you. So if you have a soft corner for machines then you can go for Mech.

Talking about difficulty , mechanical is lot more tougher than civil engineering. Engineering drawing will be in both but mechanical will be a bit tougher than civil one. Also generally mechanical engineering profs are somewhat more strict. (I know i am stereotyping but my experience says such.)

So its totally up to you whether you want design an artificial island or machines needed for creating that island.

Im a girl... And I'm only 13 sooo haha, you don't have to take my word for it but, I'm very interested in being a mechanical engineer or possibly an aerospace engineer.

I was once told, 'If you enjoy your job, you'll never have to work a day in your life.' So if you think challenges are fun (like me) and you enjoy it, I'd say Mechanical engineering is MUCH better than Civil engineering.

Plus Cvil seems a bit.. Erm.. Boring, because if you know what you're doing it's still complicated but- mechanical engineering just seems tougher. JUST AN OPINION FROM A LITTLE GIRL, THOUGH! Haha:D !

I am an electrical engineer and from what I have seen. Mechanicals have more fun but the Civil's can make a lot more money in construction.

Society has a high standard for the professional conduct and technical skills for a civil engineer. Most civil engineering projects (especially where the public is involved) require a professionally licensed engineer of record. If a product is defective or fails, it gets recalled. If a civil work fails due substandard professional practice, and a life is lost, criminal penalties can be levied beyond losing your life's savings. See the Kansas City Hyatt Regency walkway collapse.

mechanical engineering if you like cars engines and almost all type of machines from designing it to manufacture it etc.

Civil engineer deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.

So if you are attracted towards manufacturing working in industries designing stuffs and all that go for mechanical.

I am studying diploma in mechanical engineering so according go for mechanical engineering.

I think civil is easier but mechanical seems a lot more fun. Can someone that knows tell me if I'm right or wrong? Thanks!