> Causes Of Power Surges?

Causes Of Power Surges?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
What are the cause of these?

Voltage across a load in a circuit > the normal voltage. since this usually occurs when the power comes back after going out from a storm, its because the circuit is being overloaded by volts since the power company just fired up the circuits.

There is some kind of disturbance on the power source. This could be caused by a fault somewhere or a rapid change in the load.

yup if a realy good movies on the telli and an advert comes on then a mass of people get up and switch the kettle on , when all those kettles turn off all the power has nowhere to go for a moment

even with massive smoothing caps .

since the uk stopped producing most of its own electricity ,and import a lot from france we get terrible spikes

Many things. One is motors turning on or off. There is a high current surge when you turn them on, and a high voltage spike when you turn them off.

What are the cause of these?