> Can I still study engineering, if I suck at math?

Can I still study engineering, if I suck at math?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
First off you need to take a vocational aptitude test at the local library to see if engineering is really your field, it may surprise you.

Assuming that it is most of the math you have done up until now has been boring to you, this is why you stare out the window. (me too).

Math classes are about to get challenging for you. You can challenge yourself also.

Not enough homework? Do all of the questions in the chapter and turn those in also.

Teachers love extra credit students.

Get involved in outside activities BUT; be very careful what you commit to, the load will increase a lot as the year progresses and you could get overloaded very quickly.

Your prime goal is to get a degree, everything else is second, third...twelveth.

Good luck, Have fun!

If you suck at math because you have no talent, you won't get into university. You could still go to trade school or technical college and be a plumber or auto technician or a welder.

If you suck at math because you are bored, you need a better teacher or better textbooks or some way to motivate yourself to pass the entrance requirements (which you should look up so you know what to aim for)

If you stare out the window during math, it's probably because you don't love it. I would say that engineering might not be for you because engineering IS math--all the time. Don't invest your time energy and considerable amount of money in a field you don't love. That is a bad way to spend a career and life, you will likely not excel and be frustrated in your earning power and personal satisfaction. Yes, an aptitude test is a good idea.

i got your point..u can still study engineering..and take the subject like which has not so much mathematics included in that stream..as computer science is the best option ,..where only programming matters not the all theme of mathematics will be there...u will get the lot of options for it..i want to give you reasons why i am suggesting you for the computer science engineering term..for job opportunities there are huge opportunities in CSE . The biggest companies in India are working in software domain, even most of the new companies starting relate to software. Having a computing major will provide you with a foundation of knowledge, problem solving, and logical thinking that will serve as a competitive advantage to you in your career, in whatever field you choose.Computing offers great opportunities for true creativity and innovativeness. now in these days all of the company needs a programmer maximum time..and also it is so much apart from mathematics..only for 1 sem or max 2 u should have to study mathematics and after that u will get the easy way of engineering..i just want to suggest you few colleges for engineering in cse and all over..from where u can get much more placement and job offers.

1.Indian Institute of Technology,Mumbai

2.Lovely professional university,Punjab

3.Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

4.Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

5.Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

6.Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

7.Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

8.Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi

9.College of Engineering, Anna University,Chennai

10.Jadavpur University, Faculty of Engineering & Technology,Kolkata

Lovely Professional University has Partnerships and Tie- ups in both academic and non- academic areas with world class foreign universities and institutes across the globe including USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Brazil, Poland, Ghana, New Zealand, Switzerland, China, Croatia, Spain, Mongolia and Vietnam with good placement record in CSE placement record.

You'll never get accepted into Engineering with bad math marks and if you did, you'd never make it through your first year. Sorry, math is one of those critical skills if you want to be an engineer.


So, I'm a confused girl.

When I go to college I want to reinvent myself, and make some rearrangements for the better!!

I am naturally a social sciences person, so I used to think I wanted to study poli sci; but I think I want to go into engineering simply because it's a simulating, objective-oriented, important job; and it's SO broad, you can do so much in the engineering world; so of course that's exciting to me. It's demanding, and it will help me look at life differently. If I want to change my old habits and get my life started in a different direction, I need to go onto a different path.

I'm leaving the study of theory, sociology, government, psychology, and SELF; and I'm entering another world because I want to get out of my comfort zone. I want to test the waters of a new world, I want to change.

When I understand math, I'm usually the first one finished with our math work (answers are correct lol), and I feel all warm and fizzy inside; REALLY.

but 90% of the time I just stare mindlessly at the wall and daydream, because I can't motivate myself to *learn* and stay focused on sin, cos, tan, and the circle chart. I'm acceptable at science. But, given a different environment, and a more critical stature of education (the college classroom - Oooo), I think I can surprise myself?

advice? tips? help?