> Are tin cans made of steel?

Are tin cans made of steel?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
are tin cans(the type you have beans in) made of steel?(not drink cans)

It depends, Food cans are often made of tin plated steel but more are being made of aluminum. You can always check with a magnet, attracted to steel whether it is tin plated or not.

Food cans are often made from steel. I think that the internal coating is now some kind of plastic, rather than tin, these days.

Soda cans are aluminum.

They are made of tin-plated iron or steel. Tin (Sn; stannum in Latin) is used to prevent corrosion and it's not toxic.

"tin cans are made of Tin Plate: tin coated steel"


are tin cans(the type you have beans in) made of steel?(not drink cans)