> Are Engineers Considered Scientists?

Are Engineers Considered Scientists?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I would say that engineers are applied scientists.

Engineering is the creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus or manufacturing processes, or works utilising them singly or in combination.

- [Britannica/Wikipedia]

Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been.

- Theodore von Kármán

In the classical sense, no.

Scientists do pure research of natural phenomena only to understand how and/or why nature does things as well as how all the natural "stuff'' works and fits together.

Engineers, on the other hand, take the principles found by Scientists and put them to use in (supposedly) practical uses, to solve a common 'problem' of some sort, or to benefit man.

As an engineer I know that sometimes we may be called upon to do some research into something that appears to be poorly understood - sometimes this is at the "cutting edge".

In addition, Engineering companies can have Research departments that employ those trained as Engineers or Scientists. They will focus on the science most important to that business. In this area, they may look at the uses as well (to make sure there is a good fit for the business), so there is some crossover between science and engineering.

In medicine, I can see two types of Doctors. Those that do pretty much pure research into illnesses, causes and/or cures, then there are those who put that knowledge into practice seeing and trying to cure patients. Therefore, the "Doctor" category can include either (or both, I suppose).

However, Engineers can *do* research and scientists can *do* engineering.

Engineers do scientific research as well as applied science. The ony thing they don't do is apply for government or private funding to do "pure" scientific research without application of the results of that research. However, they will accept funding to build new machines or prototypes them, and will perform an applied science technique called, "Proof of Concept".

Quoting from Wikipedia "A scientist, in a broad sense, is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method."

"Scientists are also distinct from engineers, those who design, build and maintain devices for particular situations. "

One can see that a person who acts as a scientist is considered a scientist; therefore, it is possible for an engineer if they are using the scientific method to arrive at a conclusion then they are at that time a scientist.

It is all about what you are doing not the degree you have from a university. A person could have a doctors degree in physics but if that person is designing a new telescope then at that time they are not a scientist.

In a way they are considered scientists because each and every day, engineers are trying to prove their own hypothesis, invent something that will progress the scientific and natural world.

Engineers should have a strong background in the Science field, especially Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Scientists also have the potential of becoming Engineers or are Engineers to their own degree because they might have to prove or disprove a topics, as i said before that would benefit the world itself

If you consider doctors to be scientists, then engineers are certainly scientists according to your definition. In the university I attended, organic chemistry was considered by the premed students to be the "flunk out" class. The engineers laughed their way through the course. And, who designed and built all of that wonderful equipment doctors use. e.g. CAT scans, MRI machines etc. etc.? Engineers use chemistry, physics, mathematics, metallurgy, and some even use biology.

So, who is the scientist?

actually engineering stream consists of numerous branch for ex;mechanical,electrical,biotech,informa... technology,,chemical ,civil---thats my job .....etc. in which biotech engineering which is in great demand in us comes in scientist reasearch study so yes if you are biotech engineer you are a scientist....

no they just study it

Are Engineers considered Scientists, I mean Doctors are considered Scientists and they use biology in their work, Engineers use physics, so aren't they considered Scientists

Thank you