> A simple vacuum tube amplifier?

A simple vacuum tube amplifier?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Where? the internet.

Apparently you want a power amplifier that can drive a speaker, not just an amplifier.

link has one I found, there are many others.

This one just uses one tube http://www.lh-electric.net/projects/tiny... If you use a semiconductor HT rectifier I suggest you fit a switch to the HT output and mark it up "Standby/ON" so you allow the tubes to heat up on Standby before you apply the HT. You get better results soundwise if you use a half wave tube rectifier instead.

Here is a link to a decent paper on designing a single ended vacuum tube amp.



I am halfway through my electrician class and after christmas we are going to build induvidual projects by our self.

I know how a transistor amplifier work and how to build one. But i want to make a tube amplifier.

where can i get a simple circuit of a guitar tube amp with few components. like 1-5W